Monday, May 13, 2013

Preparing Your Power Tools for Summer

Now that the warmer months are rolling around, it’s time to get your power tools primed and ready for work. Taking them straight out of storage and immediately using them probably isn’t the best way to go, especially if you used your tools extensively the year before. It’s always good to do some preemptive inspections and maintenance of your power tools before using them, so we put together a list of the things you should check before pulling the starter on your chainsaw. As always, be sure to refer to your owner’s manual for anything specific to your equipment. This is the best place to find out how to properly care for your specific tool.


The first thing you should do is carefully inspect your equipment. Check for any rusting that resulted from improper winter storage and make a note of parts that need replacement. It’s also important for safety reasons to check for loose nuts and bolts and be sure to tighten them, particularly any safety guards on saws and the deflectors on your hedge trimmers.


For chainsaws and cut off saws, keeping the chain and blade sharp will ensure a properly operating tool and improve its safety. If you haven’t been properly maintaining your chainsaw’s chain, it may be time for a new chain. Broken cutting teeth and worn down teeth and cutters are all signs that you need a new chain. This will also prolong the life of your saw, as the engine won’t have to work as hard when cutting. The same goes for replacement cut off saw blades.

Checking Engine Parts

Making sure the engine is operating properly is the most important part of maintaining your gasoline powered tools. Routine maintenance that should be completed before the summer season includes checking air filters and either cleaning filter debris with filter oil, or replacing any filter that is damaged.

Check other engine parts, including the spark plug, carburetor, fuel filters, and clutch to be sure they are all in working order. If something looks worn, replace it by either checking your owner’s manual or consulting a trusted repair shop. Also be sure to only use parts that are intended to fit your make and model of chainsaw. One of the most important things to do before using your saw is check that the stop button is in working order—you don’t want to be put in a situation that you need to stop the blade from running and find out that you have a busted stop button. Finally, lubricate any moving parts that will be subject to friction.

By properly maintaining your equipment, you will maintain its value and have a long-lasting and well-operating machine.

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